Netroball Contest: Fastest Throw

Breaking Records: Netroball Competition Rules and Guidelines

Are you ready to take on the ultimate Netroball challenge? Here's how it works:

Current Record Holder:

Mr. Netroball (the GOAT) holds the record for the fastest throw in Netroball history at an impressive 57mph. Think you can beat it?

How to Participate:

  1. Post a video on social media showing proof that you topped the 57mph record.
  2. Make sure to tag Netroball in your post and send us a DM with your video.

What You Win:

  • Your name listed on the Netroball site as the current record holder
  • A full refund on your Netroball stick
  • A personalized signed card from Mr. Netroball, the creator of the sport
  • "Be Our Goat" tee

Breaking Records:

Once the record is beaten, the new record will be listed on the site. The next challenger will need to surpass this new speed to claim the title and the prizes.

For example, if a new challenger throws at 61mph, the new record to beat becomes 61mph, and so on.

Good luck to all participants! We can't wait to see who will rise to the challenge and set a new Netroball record!