The Rules

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Welcome to Netroball

Netroball is a non-contact sport that blends elements of handball, hurling, and lacrosse, emphasizing skill, finesse, and creativity. Designed with safety and accessibility in mind, Netroball is fun and affordable, making it suitable for players of all ages and backgrounds.

About the Game

Similar to basketball, Netroball focuses on skill and strategy rather than brute force. The game requires minimal equipment, allowing for easy setup for competitive matches or casual backyard games. With air-filled pro balls and specially designed Netroball sticks, the sport is great for all ages and skill levels.

Unique Features
  • Deceptive Play: The Netroball stick is designed to create deceptive throwing angles, challenging the Netstopper and emphasizing skill and accuracy over ball speed. This is particularly important since our players don't have protective padding.
  • Safety and Accessibility: With minimal equipment, players are easily recognizable to fans and can participate with just a Netroball stick.
  • Heroic Gameplay: Netroball uniquely features a shield for the Netstopper, making them feel like a superhero while protecting the net.
  • Optimal Playing Conditions: While Netroball can be played in various environments, it is best enjoyed under dry conditions for optimal stick and ball performance.

We are thrilled to introduce you to this innovative sport, where creativity and finesse shine. Welcome to the exciting world of Netroball.

Netroball Gameplay Rules

Key Rules and Definitions


  • Teams: Each team consists of 7 players: three offensive players, three defensive players, and one Netstopper.
  • Game Duration: Two 20-minute halves with a halftime break. If tied at the end of regulation, a shootout determines the winner.
  • Shootout: Three players from each team take turns shooting from the penalty line. The highest score wins. If tied, rounds continue until a winner is determined.
  • Netting: Should be set up behind the goals to prevent long rollouts or wild shots, ensuring the game maintains a fast pace.
  • Field Size: The field is 80 yards long and 40 yards wide.
Clock Management
  • The game clock stops for penalty shots and missed shots on goal.
  • A mercy rule activates a continuous clock if a team leads by 20 or more points in the second half.
  • Court/Field Setup: The playing area is enclosed with barriers and nets, preventing the ball from going out of bounds.
  • Clock Management: The game clock does not stop for missed shots. It only stops if the ball becomes wedged or out of reach. The game resumes once the ball is retrieved and play can continue.
Starting Play and Possession
  • The road team starts with the ball at the beginning of the game, while the home team starts with possession at the beginning of the second half.
  • The Netstopper initiates play at the start of each half or after penalties and turnovers by passing the ball downfield to the offensive team.

Player Roles and Restrictions

Offensive Players
  • Can catch the ball with one hand or their body while in the air. Once the ball hits the ground, they must use their stick to move it.
  • If the ball touches the ground, players can use their stick to tap or pop it up, allowing them to catch the ball again with their hand. This can be done with the stick or head.
  • Players cannot cross the midline or enter the 25ft arc around the Netstopper while on the ground with possession of the ball.
  • Players can jump over the 3-point line or Netstopper arc as long as they release the ball before landing.
  • All players can knock the ball down with their stick, but reckless or aggressive swipes are not permitted. If a player makes contact with an opponent using reckless or aggressive swipes, it may result in either a foul or a technical foul, at the referee's discretion.
  • All passing and shooting must be executed using the stick.
Gather Rule
  • After catching a pass with their hand or body, an offensive player may shuffle their feet without it counting toward their three steps. They must transfer the ball to their stick within three intentional steps or strides. Whether excessive shuffling counts towards the three steps is at the referee's discretion.
  • Exceeding this limit results in a travel violation, giving the opposing team possession. If an offensive player falls, they are allowed to stand back up with the ball.
Defensive Players
  • Can intercept or deflect the ball with their hand.
  • Defenders must focus on disrupting passes and dislodging the ball from opponents by using controlled taps within 12 inches below the top of the stick head.
  • Defenders are allowed to rest their stick on an opponent.
  • Stick and body checks are not permitted.
  • Must remain within their designated arc and can use their stick, shield, hand, body, or feet to defend the goal.
  • Initiates play by passing the ball downfield and cannot leave their arc.
  • Deflections off their shield that go airborne can be caught by any player outside of the arc.
  • Players can swipe at or grab the ball with their stick inside the arc if it is within reach, but their feet must not cross the Netstopper arc.

Gameplay Rules

Ball Handling and Movement
  • Traveling: Taking more than three intentional steps without transferring the ball to the stick results in a turnover.
  • Kicking: Not allowed, except for Netstoppers making kicksaves. After a save, the Netstopper must pass out with their stick.
  • Stick Handling: The stick can maneuver the ball on the ground, similar to field hockey. Slap shots are permitted.
  • Shots from behind the 45ft arc are worth 3 points, penalty shots are worth 2 points, and goals are worth 1 point.



  • Traveling
  • Pinning the stick and ball to the body
  • Touching the ball with hands after it hits the ground
  • Offsides at the midline
  • Entering the Netstopper area with the ball in the stick
  • Kicking the ball to advance it
  • All fouls result in a penalty shot.
  • Fouls: Include aggressive swipes, body or stick checking, intentional collisions, excessive contact, and unsportsmanlike conduct.
  • Defenders are allowed to rest their stick on an opponent as long as excessive pressure isn't applied. The determination of what constitutes excessive pressure is up to the referee's discretion.
  • Disqualification: A player accumulating five fouls or two technical fouls is disqualified, and their team must play with one fewer player.
  • An unsportsmanlike technical foul results in a penalty shot, which can be taken by any player from the opposing team.
  • Players are required to use a Netroball stick, wear goggles, and mouthguards. Optional equipment includes wide receiver gloves, soccer shin guards, and forearm pads for additional protection.
Additional Rules
  • Offsides: Teams must maintain a certain number of players on each side of the field.
  • Substitutions: Allowed during stoppages, similar to hockey or basketball.
  • Timeouts: Each team has two timeouts per half, which do not carry over.

Gameplay Specifics

  • Roll Pass: A technique to smoothly roll the ball on the ground to maintain possession and advance play.
  • Bounce Shots: Spike or bounce the ball off the ground to challenge the Netstopper.
  • Netstopper Arc: Players cannot enter the 25ft arc around the Netstopper.
  • 3 Pointers: Behind the 45ft arc.
  • Penalty Shots and Shootouts: Taken from the 50ft line at the center of the arc.

These rules ensure fair play and highlight the unique aspects of Netroball, promoting skillful and strategic gameplay.