Get Your Netroball Card Graded by PSA & Win!

We've got some exciting news for you all. In our first production run, every Netroball stick order will come with the exclusive Mr. Netroball rookie card. But here's the kicker – you have a chance to win big by getting your card graded by PSA!

Here's how it works:

Be the first person to send your Mr. Netroball card to PSA for an official grade.

Once you get the grade back, post it on social media and tag us.

The first person to complete these steps will receive a full refund on their order and a $250 Visa gift card!

Get your card graded, share it with the world, and let the Netroball community celebrate your collection.

Good luck to all collectors out there. Now go grab that Netroball card and make it shine!